FEBRUARY ‘23 product updates
Blue Mirror app improvements
Onboarding images: Enable the display of images at the beginning of each session to help users position themselves in front of Blue Mirror.
Increase the confidence of your employees: Blue Mirror now has an instructional video at the beginning of the session to help guide users through the process.
Get feedback from your team: At the end of each session, enable an evaluation with Blue Mirror users. This gives your staff an opportunity to evaluate the system using a star rating.
Updates to the web management console
Improved administrative security: Two-factor authentication (2FA) enhances the level of security within the Admin Console.
Facilitated training: This now enables users to have the option of going through an entire PPE donning or doffing session without any interruptions.
One device, multiple protocols: To make your PPE donning and doffing station more versatile, you can now enable up to 6 different protocols on the same device with Blue Mirror.
Evaluate your team's results: Run Blue Mirror in audit mode so users can run their donning and doffing sessions without seeing error detection alerts. The app will record each session individually with any errors enabling you to evaluate the effectiveness of each team member's training.